Lecture 26

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 27, 2020

Please complete course evals!

Recap: the async story so far

Cooperative multitasking

  • Tasks decide when to yield, not forced to yield
  • Scheduled by language runtime, not OS
  • Useful when we want to run more tasks than OS limit

Suspend/resume tasks

  • Like threads, each task must be ready to suspend
  • Suspends only happen at specific “yield” points
    • If a task doesn’t yield, it never suspends
  • Tasks can be much lighter than OS threads

Most basic: state machines

  • Model each task as a state machine
  • Each state: task waits for X to happen/be ready
  • To resume from state: check if X is ready
    • If X is ready, task goes to next state
    • If X not ready, yield control and try later
  • Conceptually clean, but a huge pain to write

Better: the futures abstraction

  • A Future: a value that will be ready later
    • Also known as a “promise”
  • Wraps a state machine, client polls to check if ready
    • Ready: state machine is done, get final value
    • NotReady: made some progress, but not done yet
  • Futures can be cleanly composed
    • Build complex state machines out of simple ones
  • Still, writing code with futures is awkward

Building coroutines: compiler support

Python generators, again

# Generator producing 0, 1, ..., n-1 one at a time
def firstn(n):
    num = 0
    while num < n:
        yield num  # return num to caller, suspend execution
        num += 1   # resume here next time generator called

gen = firstn(100);  # initialize generator

res0 = next(gen);   # 0
res1 = next(gen);   # 1
res2 = next(gen);   # 2
res3 = next(gen);   # 3

Isn’t this just an Iterator?

  • Indeed, we can do encode it as an Iterator
struct FirstNState { max: u32, num: u32 }
impl Iterator for FirstNState {
  type Item = u32;
  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
    if self.num < self.max {
      self.num += 1;
      Some(self.num - 1)
    } else {
fn firstn(n: u32) -> FirstNState {
  FirstNState { max: n, num: 0 }

Trying it out

  • Works just like we expected:
let mut gen = firstn(100);

res0 = gen.next();  // Some(0)
res1 = gen.next();  // Some(1)
res2 = gen.next();  // Some(2)
res3 = gen.next();  // Some(3)

But this is a lot of trouble

  • Need to do a bunch of stuff:
    • Define iteration struct (FirstNState)
    • Implement Iterator correctly (next)
    • Define constructor (firstn)
  • Python code with yield is much more natural
    • Easily expresses more complex generators

Can we just write “normal” code instead?

Compiler builds futures

  • Programmer can mark certain code as “future mode”
    • Code uses regular programming language (Rust)
  • Programmer marks places where program may yield
  • Compiler turns code into a future
    • Automatically generates the states (big enum)
    • Automatically figures out what state to remember
    • Automatically generates state transitions


  • The idea and syntax is called async/await
  • Adopted by many languages (C#, Python, JS, …)
  • “async”: marks “future mode” code
  • “await”: call other “future mode” code
    • Can only be done in “future mode”
    • Marks yield points: if called future not ready, yield

In Rust: async block

  • An async block looks something like this:
async { /* regular rust code */ }

async move { /* moves in env. variables */ }
  • Last expr. is returned as the “result” of block
    • Should be a “regular” value, not a future
  • Types: suppose “regular” return type is T
    • Then: async block has type “something implementing Future with Output = T”

Example: async block

  • Rust compiler turns an async block into a Future
  • Can store this future in a variable, pass to fn, etc.
let my_async_block = async { 42 };  // you write this

// Compiler generates (something like) this:
enum AsyncState42 { Start, Done };
struct AsyncBlock42 { state: AsyncState42 };
impl Future for AsyncBlock42 {
  type Output = i32;
  fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<i32> {
    if self.state == Start {
      *self.state = Done; Ready(42)
    } else {
      panic!("Already returned 42")
} } }
let my_async_block = AsyncBlock42 { state: Start };

In Rust: async fn

  • An async function \approx async block with arguments
    • Inside function, write (mostly normal) Rust code
  • Returns Future, but type doesn’t mention Future
// you write this:
async fn my_async_fn(arg: Vec<i32>) -> String {
  /* body */

// compiler generates this:
fn my_async_fn(arg: Vec<i32>) -> FutStr {
  /* body converted into a Future */

// FutStr implements Future with Output = String

Even more generally

  • FutStr name is compiler-generated, we don’t know it
  • Can write this code:
// you write this:
async fn my_async_fn(arg: Vec<i32>) -> String {
  /* body */

// compiler generates this:
fn my_async_fn(arg: Vec<i32>) -> impl Future<Output = String> {
  /* body converted into a Future */

// Returns "something" impl. Future with Output = String

Calling async fn

  • Async fn are called just like regular fn
  • Beware: they return a Future, not a “regular” value
    • They return a “recipe”, not a “cake”
  • Calling an async fn doesn’t really do anything!
    • Doesn’t do I/O, send network packets, etc.

Big pitfall: this doesn’t do anything

let my_fut = async {
  let my_str = my_async_fn(vec![1, 2, 3]);
  // ... type of my_str isn't String ...
  • When my_fut is polled, it doesn’t do anything:
    1. Gets a Future and just stores it
    2. Doesn’t do the work to produce the String!

In Rust: await

  • In async blocks/fns, can write .await after a Future
    • Can only use await in async context!
  • If fut is a Future, fut.await means:
    1. Check if fut is Ready (use poll())
    2. If Ready(val), unwrap it to val and continue
    3. If NotReady, yield (return NotReady)

await is more than a bit like ?

  • In fns. returning Result, can write ? after a Result
  • If res is a Result, res? means:
    1. Check if res is Ok(…)
    2. If Ok(val), unwrap it to val and continue
    3. If Err(e), return Err(e) from fn

This call is better

let my_fut = async {
  let my_str = my_async_fn(vec![1, 2, 3]).await;
  // ... do stuff with my_str ...
  • When polled, runs future from my_async_fn
    1. If it is Ready(str), assign str to my_str
    2. If it is NotReady, return NotReady
  • “Wait for this thing to finish, then continue”

Running example

  • Set up a bunch of async fns:
async fn get_food_order() -> Food { /* ... */ }
async fn get_drink_order() -> Drink { /* ... */ }
async fn make_food(the_food: Food) -> () {
  if the_food = Burger {
  } else {
async fn make_drink(the_drink: Drink) -> () { /* ... */ }
async fn wash_dishes() -> () { /* ... */ }

Running example

  • Now, we can write the waiter using async/await
let serve_cust1_fut = async {
  let food = get_food_order().await;
  let drink = get_drink_order().await;
let serve_cust2_fut = async { /* ... */ }

let waiter_fut = async move {
  join(serve_cust1_fut, serve_cust2_fut).await;

What’s good about async/await?

  • Code is very natural: looks almost like regular code
  • Compiler figures out how to make all the futures
    • Figures out what to remember
    • Generates the state machine, transitions
  • Clearly marks points where async fn. may yield

What’s wrong with async/await?

  • Calling regular fn. from async fn.: easy
  • Calling async fn. from async fn.: OK (await)
  • Calling async fn. from regular fn.: impossible
  • Splits the language: async fn, or regular fn.?
    • Might need duplication: two versions of fns.
  • See pros and cons

Big pitfall: blocking in async code

  • Many stdlib calls “block”: might take a long time
    • std::sync::Mutex::lock (all of std::sync)
    • std::fs::read (all of std::fs, std::net)
    • std::thread::sleep (all of std::thread)
    • … many, many more
  • These calls do not yield: will block state machine!
    • No compiler error, but much slower performance

Never use blocking calls in async code!!!

How to run the future?

A future is a recipe

  • So far, we’ve focused only on building Futures
  • Future is just a recipe: it doesn’t run itself!
  • After building a Future, we want to run it
    • This runner is called an “async runtime”

A simple runtime

  • Takes a Future, polls it until it is done
fn run_fut<F, T>(fut: &mut F) -> T
  F: Future<Output = T>
  loop {
    if let Ready(result) = fut.poll() {
      return result;
    // else, loop and try again

What’s wrong with this solution?

  • Only runs one Future
    • What if we want to run more than one?
  • Repeatedly looping is wasteful
  • Single threaded

We want a few more things

  • Ability to run a large number of Futures
    • Schedule futures efficiently, switch, etc.
  • Poll less: only poll when a Future is ready
    • But how do we know it’s ready before polling??
  • Run many futures on a small number of threads
    • Also known as “M:N” threading

General design of async runtimes

Three main parts

  1. Executor: the thing that calls poll
  2. Reactor: signals when things are ready
    • Typically: hooks into OS or hardware devices
    • I/O operation is done, timer goes off, etc.
  3. Waker: conveys signal to executor


  • We’ll call a started Future a “task”
  • Maintains two queues of tasks
    1. Ready queue: tasks that may be ready
    2. Waiting queue: tasks that are waiting
  • Repeatedly gets a ready task, calls poll
    • If returns Ready, task is finished
    • If returns NotReady, put back on waiting queue
  • Often (but not always) multi-threaded
    • Executor decides where to run tasks


  • A Future that is not ready is waiting on something
    • A is waiting on B is waiting on C is waiting on …
  • Ultimately: waiting for some hardware event(s)
    • File read/write to finish, network packet to arrive
  • Reactor monitors hardware, signals new events
    • Uses OS syscalls: epoll, kqueue, IOCP (cf. mio)


  • Reactor uses Waker to signal Executor
    • Essentially, a callback used when hardware ready
  • Associated to a task and an operation:
    • “When this operation is done, try task again”
  • Sequence of events:
    1. Task X waits on I/O op, registers Waker WX, yields
    2. Hardware says I/O operation is done
    3. Reactor gets the Waker WX, calls it
    4. WX goes to Executor, puts X on the ready queue

The real Futures trait

pub trait Future {
  type Output;
  fn poll(
    self: Pin<&mut Self>,  // ignore Pin for now
    cx: &mut Context
  ) -> Poll<Self::Output>;
  • Context holds a Waker, argument to poll
  • poll threads the Waker through
    • Polling other, “child” futures: pass cx along
    • Waiting for “leafs” (I/O): register cx with Reactor

Polling a future, top to bottom

  • Say we have three Futures: A, B
    • A waits on B, B waits on file read
  • Sequence of events: polling
    1. Executor polls A, passes in Waker for A
    2. Polling A polls B, passes in Waker for A
    3. Polling B tries file read, passes in Waker for A
    4. File read not ready, save Waker for A for this op

Reacting to an event, bottom to top

  • Sequence of events: reacting
    1. Reactor gets signal: file read is done
    2. Looks up Waker for this op, calls it
    3. Waker tells Executor to move A to ready queue
    4. Executor polls A, which polls B, …

Rust async runtimes

Today: two main libraries

  • tokio
    • First major async runtime for Rust
    • Heavier: more complex, more features
  • async-std
    • More recent async runtime for Rust
    • Lighter: less complex, less features

We’ll talk about tokio, though the Rust async ecosystem is evolving rapidly

Entry point

  • tokio::runtime
  • Main method: block_on
    • Pass it a future, run the task until it is done
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;

let mut rt = Runtime::new()?;  // make the Runtime

rt.block_on(async {
  let food = get_food_order().await;
  let drink = get_drink_order().await;
  // ...

Spawning tasks

  • tokio::task
  • Main method: task::spawn
    • Executes a Future (maybe on different thread)
    • spawn_blocking for tasks that may block
    rt.block_on(async {
      let cust1 = task::spawn(async { 
        let food = get_food_order().await;
        let drink = get_drink_order().await;
        // ...
      let cust2 = task::spawn(async { ... });
      join(cust1, cust2).await;

Futures for I/O

  • tokio::{net, fs, signal, process}
  • Rust stdlib has networking and file system calls
    • E.g., read from a file, write to a file, etc.
  • These are synchronous: they block while waiting
    • Not suitable for use in async code!
  • tokio has async versions of these standard calls
    • tokio’s “leaf futures”
    • When waiting for read, register a Waker and yield

Other goodies

  • tokio::sync
    • Async channels: communicate between tasks
    • Async mutexes: yield instead of blocking
  • tokio::time
    • Delays: Put a task to sleep for some time
    • Timeouts: Cancel a task if too much time passes

Much more on async/await


  • Futures yields one T when done, after waiting
  • Streams yield multiple Ts, after waiting
  • Async counterpart of Iterator
    • If next item not ready, yield instead of blocking
  • Natural abstraction (e.g., stream of HTTP requests)

Trait looks something like this

pub trait Stream {
    type Item;
    fn poll_next(
        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context
    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>>;
  • This returns an Poll<Option<Item>>
    • NotReady: next item not ready
    • Ready(Some(item)): next item ready
    • Ready(None): stream finished

More on streams/generators

Examples and resources

  • Building an executor/reactor: here and here
  • Cooperative multitasking in an OS kernel: here

Design notes

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