Lecture 24

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 20, 2020


HW5 Wrapup

  • An enormous pain in the ass
  • Why go through all of this trouble?
    • Ownership: rule out most memory leaks
    • Aliasing: make totally unsafe stuff safe

Build a tree that…

  • Gives clients pointers to internal tree memory
  • Lets client write whenever and whatever they want
    • With no runtime checks (direct memory write)
    • While never segfaulting or breaking the tree
  • Also build an iterator handing out pointers all over
impl<K, V> TreeMap<K, V> {
    // Wildly unsafe
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&mut V> { ... }

HW5: Feedback?

HW6 Out

  • Concurrency: making things go faster
  • We give you: a slow, single-threaded version
  • You make: multi-threaded versions in two ways
  • Should be much less grappling with borrow checker
    • But still a bit (The Rust Programming Language)

Start early, especially if you haven’t tried writing concurrent code before

Modeling concurrency

Many aspects

  • Parallelism and simultaneous execution
  • Message-passing and channels
  • Shared memory and locking
  • Threads blocking/waiting

Process calculus

  • Mathematical model of message passing
  • Many flavors, developed in 1970s and 1980s
    • Communicating sequential processes (CSP)
    • Communicating concurrent systems (CCS)
    • Pi-calculus
  • By Tony Hoare, Robin Milner, and many others

Our version

  1. Simple arithemtic expressions
  2. Channels: named pipes for communication
  3. Processes: send/receive along channels

Process calculus: grammar

Arithmetic expressions

num = "0" | "1" | "2" | ...

var = "x" | "y" | "z" | ...

exp = num | var | exp "+" exp | exp "*" exp | ...
  • Arithmetic expressions with variables
  • Examples of arithmetic expressions:
    • 42
    • 5 * 3
    • 2 + 0 + z


chn = "A" | "B" | "C" | ...
  • Addresses to send to/receive from
  • Different names = different addresses
  • We’ll use two special channels:
    • I: input channel into program
    • O: output channel from program


prc = "done"                          (* do nothing        *)
    | "make" chn "in" prc             (* make new channel  *)
    | "send" exp "->" chn "then" prc  (* send a message    *)
    | "recv" var "<-" chn "then" prc  (* receive a message *)
    | "[" exp "<" exp "]" prc         (* run if guard true *)
    | prc "+" prc                     (* run this or that  *)
    | prc "|" prc                     (* run in parallel   *)
  • Make new channel, send and receive along channel
  • Combine several processes together
    • Select between different processes
    • Run processes in parallel

Examples (blackboard)

Operational semantics

Main setup

  • Define how processes step P \to Q
  • New addition: each transition may have a label
  • Labels model sending and receiving
    • (A, n): send num n along channel A
    • (\bar{A}, n): receive num n from channel A
  • Other steps: no label (silent transitions)

Blackboard (or WR6)

Extension: recursion

Why recursion?

  • So far: finite number of steps
  • Some processes live forever (e.g., servers)
  • Extend the language with recursive processes


name = "P1" | "P2" | "P3" | ...  (* names of processes *)

prc = ...
    | name                       (* process could be a name *)

def = name "=" prc               (* definition of processes *)
  • Add process names and recursive definitions


Operational semantics

  • Just add one more rule to unfold definitions…

A Tiny Glimpse of Erlang

Joe Armstrong

  • Passed away in 2019 :(
  • Invented Erlang while working for Ericsson
  • Hugely influential views on computing
    • Take a look at his thesis
    • Or check out some of his talks

Principle 1: Processes

  • Take idea of process from OS
    • Not threads: no shared memory space!
    • Separate program into several processes
  • Erlang: processes are cheap
    • Can make millions of processes
    • So-called “green threads”
  • Rust: heavier, OS threads (can’t have so many)
    • Used to have green threads, taken out

Principle 2: Isolation

  • Communicate only by message passing
  • A fault in one process should be contained
  • Share nothing concurrency
    • Also known as the Actor model

Principle 3: Let it crash

  • Will never be able to eliminate all faults
  • Instead: plan for faults to happen
  • If a process hits an error, just crash it
    • Don’t make things worse
  • Let someone other process fix/restart

The Erlang language

  • Designed for telecom applications
    • Soft real-time, highly reliable
  • Designed for processes that live forever
    • Can swap in code updates live
  • At the core: processes, messages, isolation

Big impact

  • Runs Ericsson telecom switches
    • Handles estimated 50% of all cell traffic
    • OTP libraries, Open Telecom Protocol
  • Runs Whatsapp and FB chat (previously)
    • Whatsapp: 50 employees for 900M users (2015)
  • Many successful applications
    • CouchDB, Riak, Elixir, …

Spawning processes

my_proc = fun() -> 2 + 2 end.
p_id = spawn(my_proc).
  • Just like in Rust: pass it a closure

Sending messages

p_id ! hello.
self() ! there.
  • Asynchronous channels: send never blocks
  • Send directly to process, not to specific channel

Receiving messages

dolphin() ->
    do_a_flip ->
      io:format("How about no?~n");
    fish ->
      io:format("So long and thanks for all the fish!~n");
    _ ->
      io:format("Heh, we're smarter than you humans.~n")
  • Do a case analysis on received message
  • Each process has one incoming queue, like a mailbox

Joe’s favorite program

  • Universal Server: can turn into any another process
universal_server() ->
    {become, New_proc} ->
  • Lowercase match on string, uppercase variable

Factorial server

  • Wait for message, respond with factorial
factorial_server() ->
    {From, N} ->
      From ! factorial(N),

factorial(0) -> 1;
factorial(N) -> N * factorial(N-1).

Becoming factorial

  • Turn a universal server into a factorial server
main() ->
  univ_pid = spawn(fun universal_server/0),
  univ_pid ! {become, fun factorial_server/0},
  univ_pid ! {self(), 50},
    Response -> Response
  • /0 means zero arguments (Erlang dynamically typed)