Lecture 16

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

March 23, 2020

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HW3 Wrapup

  • You implemented a lot of things:
    1. Syntax: from grammar to Haskell datatype
    2. Evaluator: from spec to code
    3. Parser: applicative/monadic parsing
    4. REPL: IO monad
  • Ruse language
    • Toy version of Clojure/Scheme/Lisp
    • Lambda calculus with bells and whistles
    • Already quite powerful

Feedback on HW3?

HW4 Out

  • Four optional exercises
  • Main piece: writing a RPN calculator
  • WR4: Started material before break
    • Take a look at the notes in WR4

Rust’s Result type

  • Similar to Either
  • Parametrized by type T and error type E
enum Result<T, E> {

let all_ok = Ok("Everything ok!");
let error  = Err("Something went wrong!");

A familiar pattern

  • Sequence error-prone computations
  • Bail out as soon as we hit the first error
let res_1 = foo(x);
match res_1 {
  Err(e_1)  => return Err(e_1);
  Ok(val_1) => {
    let res_2 = bar(val_1);
    match res_2 {
      Err(e_2)  => return Err(e_2);
      Ok(val_2) => {
        let res_3 = baz(val_2);
        match res_3 { ... }

Propagating errors

  • Fixing error type, Result is a monad!
  • No monads/do-notation in Rust, but: special syntax
  • ? unwraps value if Ok, or returns from function if Err
let val_1 = foo(x)?; // When foo returns a Result
let val_2 = bar(y?); // When y has type Result

Memory management

Programs use memory

  • Common across all programming languages
  • During execution, a program may:
    • Request some amount of memory to use (allocate)
    • Return memory that it no longer needs (free)
    • System only hands out memory that is free

Stack allocation

  • System keeps track of one address, the top of stack
    • Everything below top is allocated
    • Everything above top is free
  • Last-in, first-out
    • To allocate: increase the top pointer
    • To deallocate: decrease the top pointer

Stack: Benefits

  • Very fast
    • Allocating/deallocating is addition/subtraction
    • Lookups calculate offset of stack pointer
  • Natural fit to block languages
    • When entering a block, allocate memory
    • When exiting a block, deallocate memory
    • Function calls/returns are similar

Stack: Drawbacks

  • Allocation sizes must be fixed
    • Can’t grow/shrink previously allocated memory
    • Size of each allocation must be known statically
  • Memory can’t persist past end of block
    • Memory allocated in function is freed on return

Heap allocation

  • Memory divided up into a bunch of small blocks
  • System provides an allocator (e.g., malloc)
    • Keeps track of allocated/free blocks
  • Programs request amount of memory from allocator
  • Programs free memory by calling allocator

Heap: Benefits

  • Flexibility
    • Allocation sizes don’t need to be statically known
    • Can resize by allocating more and/or copying
  • Persistence
    • Memory remains live until programs free it
    • Don’t have to free memory at end of blocks

Heap: Drawbacks

  • De-allocation is very easy to mess up
    • Double free: memory freed twice
    • Use-after-free: memory used after it was freed
    • Memory leak: program forgot to free memory
  • Bugs are notoriously difficult to find
  • Security holes, out of memory, crashes, etc.

Who frees heap memory?

Manual management

  • Common in low-level programming languages
  • Benefits
    • Fastest, gives the programmer full control
  • Drawbacks
    • Programmers often mess up
    • Bugs can be very hard to find

Reference counting

  • Memory tracks how many things are pointing at it
  • When count goes from one to zero, de-allocate
    • “Last one out, please turn off the lights”
  • Benefits
    • Programmer doesn’t think about management
  • Drawbacks
    • May leak memory if there are cycles
    • Need to constantly track counts for all allocations
    • Need to be sure the count is right

Garbage collector (GC)

  • System periodically sweeps through heap
    • Marks unreachable memory as free
    • Common in high-level programming languages
  • Benefits
    • Programmer doesn’t think about management
    • Eliminate memory-management bugs
  • Drawbacks
    • Slower, GC performance unpredictable
    • Maybe need a separate GC thread, pauses

The stack and heap in Rust

What goes on the stack?

  • Rough rule: anything with size
    1. known at compile time, AND
    2. fixed throughout execution
  • Examples
    • Integers, pairs of integers, etc.

What goes on the heap?

  • Rough rule: anything with size
    1. not known at compile time, OR
    2. varying throughout execution
  • Examples: mutable datastructures
    • Vectors, maps, mutable strings

Typically: a bit of both

  • On stack: constant size data
  • On heap: variable size data

Example: strings

let s = String::from("hello");
  • On stack: length (int), capacity (int), pointer to heap
  • On heap: actual contents of string

The ownership model in Rust

Best of both worlds

  • Programmer follows certain ownership rules
    • Compiler knows where to insert de-allocation calls
    • Perfect memory management without GC
  • However: programmer has to think a bit!
    • If rules are broken, the compiler complains
    • May need to add information to convince compiler

Based on C++ idea: RAII

  • Resource Acquisition Is Initialization
  • One of the worst names in the history of PL
    • Not really about acquision
    • Not really about initialization
    • It is about resources
  • Idea: when object goes out of scope, do cleanup

A powerful idea

  • Applies to many kinds of resources
    • Memory is not the only kind of resource!
  • File handles and network sockets
    • Auto close when handle goes out of scope
  • Locks and concurrency primitives
    • Auto unlock when value goes out of scope

Ownership principles

  1. Each piece of data has a variable that is its owner.
  2. Data can only have one owner at any time.
  3. When owner goes out of scope, data is dropped.


  let s = String::from("foo");

  // do stuff ...

} // s goes out of scope here
  • String allocated on the heap and owned by variable s
  • Variable s goes out of scope at end of block
  • String is automatically de-allocated at end of block

Moving, Copying, Cloning

Moving ownership

  • What happens when we assign a variable to another?
let x = String::from("foo");

let y = x;

Depends on the type!

  • Default: ownership is moved from x to y
    • Before: x owns the string
    • After: y owns the string and x does not
  • Shallow copy
    • Portion of data on the stack is copied
    • Portion of data on heap is not copied
    • Result: two things on stack pointing to same heap

Accessing data

  • Remember: only one owner at a time
  • Only the owner can read/modify the data
let x = String::from("foo");  // owner: x

let y = x;                    // owner: y

println!("String: {}", y);    // OK

println!("String: {}", x);    // Not OK

let z = y;                    // owner: z

println!("String: {}", y);    // Not OK

println!("String: {}", z);    // OK

Copy instead of moving?

  • For stack data: often easier to copy rather than move
  • Controlled via the Copy trait
    • Assigning makes copy implicitly
    • Doesn’t invalidate previous variables
let x = 5;
let y = x;                        // automatically copied

println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y); // x is still valid!

Explicit copies

  • Sometimes, want to copy heap data too (deep copy)
  • Clone trait provides .clone() to do deep copy
  • Explicit: not automatic (might be expensive)
let s = String::from("foo");
let t = s.clone();

// can use both s and t
println!("s = {}, t = {}", s, t);
  • Before: one string owned by s
  • After: two separate strings, owned by s and t


  • Default: assignment moves ownership
  • Copy: assignment copies data, no heap data
  • Clone: make explicit copy by calling .clone()


Freeing memory

  • When memory is no longer needed, return to system
    • Forget to return: memory leak!
  • Would be nice: compiler inserts calls to free
  • But how to know when to free?
    • Might depend on runtime behavior


  • Idea: compiler knows where variable leaves scope
    • This is known at compile time
    • Automatically insert call to free memory here
  • Data has exactly one owner
    • Every data is freed once (and only once)

Result: avoid memory leaks in Rust

In more detail

  • Compiler inserts calls to mem::drop
    • Can also call manually, if you want
    • Also known as a destructor
  • Default behavior: data is dropped recursively

Dropping structs

struct MyStruct1 { foo: MyStruct2, bar: String }
struct MyStruct2 { baz: String }
  • Dropping a MyStruct1
    • Drop foo, then bar, then “wrapper”
  • Dropping a MyStruct2
    • Drop baz, then “wrapper”

Dropping enums

enum MyEnum1 { foo(MyEnum2), bar(String) }
enum MyEnum2 { baz(String) }
  • Dropping a MyEnum1
    • Drop foo OR bar, then “wrapper”
  • Dropping a MyEnum2
    • Drop baz, then “wrapper”


  • Run custom code when dropping
    • Print out stuff
    • Call other functions
    • Close file/connection
    • Change order things are dropped

Drop trait

  • Can customize the following method:
fn drop(&mut self) { ... }  // Note the type!!
  • Does not take ownership of data
  • Instead: takes mutable reference to data
    • Can mutate, replace, Option::take(), …
  • Data always freed when owner goes out of scope
    • No way to override (screw up) that part


Functions and ownership

Passing an argument

  • Function call moves ownership of arguments
  • Think: new owner is argument variable in function
  • When function ends, usual drop rules apply
fn main() {
  let old = String::from("foo");  // owner: old

  move_owner(old);                // ownership moved

  println!("old is {}", old);     // Not OK: old is not owner

fn move_owner(new: String) {
    println!("new is {}", new);     // OK: new is owner
}                                   // new out of scope, drops

Returning from function

  • Return values are similar: move ownership
  • Think: new owner is variable holding return value
  • If caller doesn’t store return value, it is dropped
fn main() {
  let new = take_owner();         // owner: new
  println!("new is {}", new);     // OK: new is owner

fn take_owner() -> String {
  let old = String::from("foo");  // owner: old
  println!("old is {}", old);     // OK: old is owner
  // ...
  old                             // returns, ownership moved
}                           // old out of scope, but don't drop

An annoying pattern

  • If caller wants to keep ownership of arguments, function must return arguments to return ownership
fn main() {
    let my_str = String::from("foo");     // owner: my_str

    let my_other_str = take_and_return(my_str); // get ownership back

fn take_and_return(a_str: String) -> String {   // owner: a_str
    // ... do some stuff ...

    // return ownership of a_str

Borrowing a reference

  • Make argument a reference
    • No need to return ownership after function
    • Other languages: “passing by reference”
fn main() {
  let my_str = String::from("foo");  // owner: my_str
  let my_ref = &my_str;              // owner: still my_str

  borrow(my_ref);                    // owner: still my_str

fn borrow(a_ref: &String) {          // owner: my_str
  // ... use reference a_ref ...

  // don't need to return ownership

Moving out of ref?

  • Can’t move data from a borrow
    • “Can’t move out of borrowed context”
fn borrow(a_ref: &mut String) {
  *a_ref = String::from("foo");     // OK: update a_ref

  let my_string: String = *a_ref;  // bad: can't move String

  take_own(a_ref);                 // also bad!

fn take_own(a_str: String) { ... }