Lecture 12

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

March 2, 2020



  • This Friday from 2:30-3:45 in CS 1325
    • Makeup: Wednesday from 6:00-7:15 in TBA
  • Exam format
    • 75-minutes, short-answer, in-class exam
    • No aids/notes/electronics allowed
  • How to prepare
    • Written (~25%): look at WRs, solutions
    • Programming (~75%): read/write Haskell (HW3)

Don’t memorize: we will provide references for everything you will need

Course evals

  • Midterm course evals open now until Friday
  • Please put feedback on anything in this course
  • I will read and think about all of your feedback

Applicative versus Monadic

Review: Applicative and Monad

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure   :: a -> f a                 -- Required op. 1: pure
  (<*>)  :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- Required op. 2: ap

class Applicative m => Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a                 -- Required op. 1: return
  (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- Required op. 2: bind

Remember: calculator

  • Grammar of a simple calculator language
term = atom "+" term | atom "-" term | atom ;
atom = num | "(" term ")" ;
  • Model with these two Haskell datatypes:
data Term = Add Atom Term | Sub Atom Term | Single Atom
data Atom = Num Int | Parens Term

Applicative-style parsing

  • Use applicative/alternative instances for Parser:
termP :: Parser Term
termP =  Add <$> atomP <* (tokenP (charP '+')) <*> termP 
     <|> Sub <$> atomP <* (tokenP (charP '-')) <*> termP 
     <|> Single <$> atomP

atomP :: Parser Atom
atomP =  Num <$> intP
     <|> Parens <$>
         (tokenP $ charP '(') *> termP <* (tokenP $ charP ')')

Parser has a Monad instance

  • But Parser also has a Monad instance:
termP' =  do a <- atomP'
             tokenP (charP '+')
             t <- termP'
             return $ Add a t
      <|> do a <- atomP'
             tokenP (charP '-')
             t <- termP'
             return $ Sub a t
      <|> do a <- atomP'
             return $ Single a  -- or: Single <$> a

atomP' =  do i <- intP
             return $ Num i
      <|> -- ...

Comparing the two styles

  • The two styles can be freely mixed
  • Applicative-style
    • Shorter, more condensed
    • Can be complicated to ignore/keep things
  • Monadic-style (do-notation)
    • Longer, more verbose
    • Sequential steps are clearer (imperative)

Monads as computations

What “is” a monad?

  • No single interpretation—it’s just a pattern!
  • Useful for describing “computations”
  • Take a type m a
    • a is the type of stuff that is “returned”
    • m augments a with “side information”
  • m a is a type of computation returning stuff of type a

“Programmable semicolon”

  • Usually: function composition for sequencing
  • But: sometimes we want fancier behavior
    • Maintain a log, update state, …
  • But: sometimes we don’t want to execute just yet
    • Store for processing later, add more steps, …
  • Monad instances let us define how to sequence stuff
    • Handle “plumbing” for side information

Assemble a computation without running it

  • Distinguish between normal values and computations
    • Cakes versus recipes
  • Use (Haskell) programs to build (monadic) programs
    • Pass computations around
    • Repeat computations
    • Combine computations in custom ways
  • Only run computations when and where we want

Side-effects and purity

What is a side-effect?

  • Anything a function depends on besides input
    • Reading a configuration file
    • Getting the current local time
  • Anything a function does besides making output
    • Establishing a network connection
    • Opening the pod bay doors

Purity: no side-effects

  • All functions in Haskell are pure
  • Use monads to express side-effecting computations
    • Need to specifically indicate in types
    • Note: not all monads model side-effects

Simpler to think about

  • Function output depends only on the input
    • No hidden state
    • No hidden dependencies
    • No hidden actions
  • Input is a lot simpler than state of the world

Easier to test

  • Doesn’t depend on external environment
  • Totally repeatable and deterministic
    • If it does X, it will always do X
    • No matter time of day, other parts of program, etc.

Won’t indirectly affect other components

  • Code changes will only affect input-output
    • Won’t step on some shared state
    • Won’t mess up other components “indirectly”
  • Modularity and abstraction taken to the limit
    • Callers can only observe input/output
    • Can never be affected by calling a function

What if we need side-effects?

Sometimes, have to…

  • Want the program to do something when we run it!
    • Print to the screen
    • Write a file
    • Turn on the lights
  • Would be bad if we could never do this

Effects marked in types

  • Haskell effects managed by monads
  • Types say: danger!
    • May do stuff besides returning a value
    • May modify hidden state, do I/O, …
  • Allowed effects depend on the kind of monad

Revisiting the State monad

Stateful programs

  • “Function with state” produces output, and transforms state
  • A few ingredients:
    • State is of type s
    • Output is of type a
  • Take start state to output value, plus new state
data State s a = MkState (s -> (a, s))

Making it into a monad

  • Return: turn ordinary output value into stateful program producing that value
  • Bind is a bit more complicated
    1. Run first stateful program
    2. Look at the output value of the first part
    3. Select and run second stateful program

More concretely…

return :: a -> State s a
return val = MkState (\state -> (val, state))
--                     ^-State unchanged-^
(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
first >>= f = MkState $ \st ->
  case first of
    MkState stTrans1 -> let (out', st') = stTrans1 st
--                                            ^--- Run part 1
      in case (f out') of MkState stTrans2 -> stTrans2 st'
--             ^--- Select part 2                 ^--- Run part 2

Getting the result out

  • Given stateful program, how do we “run” it?
    • How do we get the result out?
  • Need: initial value of the state
  • Running turns State s a into a normal value
runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)
runState (MkState stateTrans) initState = stateTrans initState

A monad for arbitrary side-effects

Haskell main program

main :: IO ()
main = ...
  • Why does main always have this type in Haskell?
  • What is this type, really?
    • In fact, IO is a monad!
    • () is the “return” type

IO is a special monad

  • All side-effects are allowed!
    • Can do general input/output actions
    • Can interact with the external world
  • This is the only place where input/output allowed
  • No Haskell definition—it is a completely built-in type

Getting the result out (?)

  • Say we have a IO Int. How to get the Int out?
  • Is there a function of type IO Int -> Int?

There is no way to do this!

  • Why? IO Int gives Int and may do real-world stuff
    • Can’t turn this into a pure computation

Programming with IO

Console output

  • All basic printing functions “live in IO”
putChar  :: Char   -> IO ()  -- Print a character
putStr   :: String -> IO ()  -- Print a string
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()  -- Print a string and newline
main :: IO ()
main = do
  putChar  "Q"
  putStr   " is my favorite character.\n"
  putStrLn "Tada!"

Console input

  • All basic reading functions “live in IO”
getChar  :: IO Char    -- Read a character from console
getLine  :: IO String  -- Read a string from console
main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Enter a character: "
  c   <- getChar
  putStrLn "\nEnter a string: "
  str <- getLine
  putStrLn $ "Got: " ++ c ++ " and " ++ str


  • Useful utility: read a string, transform it, print it
interact :: (String -> String) -> IO () -- Read, transform, print
  • Pattern: separate pure and impure functions
-- Very complicated processing, but pure function
complicatedPureStuff :: String -> String
complicatedPureStuff str = ...

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStr "Enter something! "
  interact complicatedPureStuff
  putStrLn "\n All done!"

Filesystem I/O

  • Type of file system paths (depends on system)
type FilePath = ...
  • Library functions for reading/writing: all in I/O!
-- Read file into a string
readFile   :: FilePath -> IO String

-- Write string to file
writeFile  :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()

-- Append string to file
appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()

Mutable references

  • In pure Haskell, variables can’t be changed/mutated
  • In IO monad, can make mutable references
data IORef a                         -- Built-in type

newIORef   :: a -> IO (IORef a)      -- New cell w/initial value
readIORef  :: IORef a -> IO a        -- Read contents from cell
writeIORef :: a -> IORef a -> IO ()  -- Write contents to cell

Imperative Haskell

  • Operations in IO allow imperative programming
main :: IO ()
main = do
  myRef <- newIORef 0                    -- New counter, init 0
  count <- readIORef myRef               -- Read count
  putStrLn $ "Count: " ++ (show count)
  writeIORef (count + 1) myRef           -- Update count
  count' <- readIORef myRef              -- Read again
  putStrLn $ "Count: " ++ (show count')
  • Quite a lot of trouble just to increment a counter…
    • Only use where absolutely necessary
    • Pure functions strongly preferred in Haskell

Organizing I/O in Haskell

Thinking about IO

“World transformer”

  • Idea: running IO a can literally change the world
  • Imagine IO as the biggest State monad ever:
data State s a = MkState (s          -> (a, s         ))
data IO      a = MkIO    (WorldState -> (a, WorldState))
-- Think: IO a === State WorldState a
  • WorldState is the state of the whole world
    • Note: this isn’t actually how it works

When do IO effects “happen”?

  • No matter what, all Haskell functions are pure
  • Suppose: call a function of type IO a -> IO b
    • Just changes one computation into another
    • This doesn’t cause effects!

IO effects happen “externally”

  • Side effects actually take place when IO a is “run”
    • But: can’t run IO directly within Haskell!
  • One way to think about IO in Haskell
    1. Build up a huge side-effecting computation (main)
    2. Hand whole thing off for user to run

“Cake Recipe”

  • If something has type Cake, it’s a cake
  • If something has type IO Cake, it’s a cake recipe

A cake recipe is different from a cake!

Building recipes

  • Monad operations: combine recipes together
    • Do recipes one after another
    • Add extra steps to a recipe
    • Choose between different recipes

But no matter what, we will always have just a cake recipe, and not a cake!

How do we get the cake?

  • The whole recipe: special symbol main, type IO ()
  • Purpose of Haskell programs is to build this recipe
  • The actual cake is made when program is executed

Programming with monads


  • Given: list of computations each returning a
  • Build: computation returning list of a
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequence []           = return []
sequence (comp:comps) = do res  <- comp
                           rest <- sequence comps
                           return (res:rest)


  • Given: integer count and computation returning a
  • Build: computation returning list of a
replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
replicateM 0 comp = return []
replicateM n comp = do res  <- comp
                       res' <- replicateM (n - 1) comp
                       return (res:res')


  • Given:
    • Function from a to computation returning b
    • A list of a’s
  • Build:
    • Computation returning list of b’s
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM f []     = return []
mapM f (x:xs) = do res  <- f x
                   res' <- mapM f xs
                   return (res:res')


  • Given:
    • Function: b and a to computation returning b
    • Initial value of accumulator b
    • List of a’s
  • Build:
    • Computation “folding” list into a b
foldM :: Monad m => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b
foldM f seed []     = return seed
foldM f seed (x:xs) = do accum <- foldM f seed xs
                         f accum x