Lecture 11

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 26, 2020

Beyond applicative

Warmup: two of the same char

  • Write function: take char, parse two of the char
twinCharP :: Char -> Parser (Char, Char)
twinCharP c = pair <$> charP c <*> charP c
    where pair x y = (x, y)
    -- shorter: (,) <$> charP c <*> charP c

Make this work for any char?

  • We want a parser of this type:
sameTwoP :: Parser (Char, Char)
  • A first try: brute force the cases:
sameTwoP =  twinCharP 'a'
        <|> twinCharP 'b'
        <|> twinCharP 'c'
          -- ...
  • This is going to be quite painful…

Wanted: new way to combine parsers

  • Here’s what we have so far:
itemP :: Parser Char  -- parse one of any Char

oneMore :: Char -> Parser (Char, Char)
oneMore c = addC <$> charP c
    where addC = \x -> (c, x)

sameTwoP = combiner itemP oneMore
  • To combine, want something of the type:
combiner :: Parser Char
         -> (Char -> Parser (Char, Char))
         -> Parser (Char, Char)

A common pattern for sequencing

Unreliable computations

  • Two unreliable computations:
foo :: a -> Maybe b
bar :: b -> Maybe c
  • How to string them together?
foobar :: a -> Maybe c
foobar x = case foo x of
           Nothing -> Nothing
           Just y  -> case bar y of
                      Nothing -> Nothing
                      Just z  -> Just z

What about one more?

foo :: a -> Maybe b
bar :: b -> Maybe c
baz :: c -> Maybe d

foobarbaz :: a -> Maybe d
foobarbaz x = case foo x of
              Nothing -> Nothing
              Just y  -> case bar y of
                         Nothing -> Nothing
                         Just z  -> case baz z of
                                    Nothing -> Nothing
                                    Just w  -> Just w
  • Starting to get a bit unwieldy…

Programs with logging

  • Two computations with logging:
foo :: a -> (b, String)
bar :: b -> (c, String)
  • How to string them together, while keeping logs?
foobar :: a -> (c, String)
foobar x = let (y, log1) = foo x in
             let (z, log2) = bar y in
               (z, log1 ++ log2)

What about one more?

foo :: a -> (b, String)
bar :: b -> (c, String)
baz :: c -> (d, String)

foobarbaz :: a -> (c, String)
foobarbaz x = let (y, log1) = foo x in
                let (z, log2) = bar y in
                  let (w, log3) = bar y in
                    (w, log1 ++ log2 ++ log3)
  • Starting to get a bit unwieldy…

Maintaining a counter

  • Two computations modify a counter
-- Input: init counter. Output: updated counter + output string
foo :: Int -> (Int, String)
bar :: Int -> (Int, String)
  • How to string together?
foobar :: Int -> String
foobar c = let (c', out') = foo c in
             let (c'', out'') = bar c' in

What about one more?

-- Input: init counter. Output: updated counter + output string
foo :: Int -> (Int, String)
bar :: Int -> (Int, String)
baz :: Int -> (Int, String)

foobarbaz :: Int -> String
foobarbaz c = let (c', out') = foo c in
                let (c'', out'') = bar c'' in
                  let (c''', out''') = bar c''' in
  • Starting to get a bit unwieldy…

What is the pattern?

Two operations

  • Wrapping a normal value into a “monadic” value
    • Package an “output” value with some extra data
  • Transforming a monadic value
    1. first monadic value
    2. function from regular value to monadic value
    • Plug pieces together to get another monadic value

The Monad typeclass

  • These two operations are called return and bind
class Applicative m => Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a                 -- Required op. 1: return
  (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- Required op. 2: bind

  (>>)   :: m a -> m b -> m b        -- Special case of bind

Example: Maybe

  • Maybe a is either an a, or nothing
instance Monad Maybe where
  -- Given normal value, wrap it with Just
  -- return :: a -> Maybe a
  return val = Just val

  -- Compose two Maybe computations
  -- (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
  maybe >>= f = case maybe of
    Nothing  -> Nothing -- First computation failed
    Just val -> f val   -- First computation OK, run second

Example: WithLog

  • WithLog a is an a with a String log
    • Also known as the Writer monad
data WithLog a = MkWithLog (a, String)
instance Monad WithLog where
  -- return :: a -> WithLog a
  return val = MkWithLog (val, "")
--                              ^-- Empty log
  -- (>>=) :: WithLog a -> (a -> WithLog b) -> WithLog b
  logA >>= f = let MkWithLog (output, log) = logA in
                 let MkWithLog (output', log') = f output in
                   MkWithLog (output', log ++ log')
--                                     ^--join--^

Example: State

  • State s a is computation that returns an a
data State s a = MkState (s -> (a, s))
instance Monad (State s) where
  -- return :: a -> State s a
  return val = MkState (\state -> (val, state))
--                         ^-- unchanged --^
  -- (>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
  (MkState stTrans1) >>= f = MkState $ \st ->
      MkState stTrans1 -> let (out', st') = stTrans1 st in
--                                          ^-Part 1-^
        let (MkState stTrans2) = (f out') in stTrans2 st'
--                                           ^-Part 2-^

Nicer syntax:

Unwieldy Maybe example…

foo :: a -> Maybe b
bar :: b -> Maybe c
baz :: c -> Maybe d

foobarbaz :: a -> Maybe d
foobarbaz x = case foo x of
              Nothing -> Nothing
              Just y  -> case bar y of
                         Nothing -> Nothing
                         Just z  -> case baz z of
                                    Nothing -> Nothing
                                    Just w  -> Just w

Use monad instance

foo :: a -> Maybe b
bar :: b -> Maybe c
baz :: c -> Maybe d

foobarbaz :: a -> Maybe d
foobarbaz x = foo x >>= (\y ->
                bar y >>= (\z ->
                  baz z >>= (\w ->
                    return w)))
  • Common pattern: monad value, >>=, lambda

Applying a bind

  • Turn monVal >>= (\var -> ...) into
do var <- monVal
  • Variant of bind: the following are equivalent:
    • monVal >> ...
    • monVal >>= (\_ -> ...)
do monVal

Translating our example

  • Before, without do-notation
foobarbaz x = foo x >>= (\y ->
                bar y >>= (\z ->
                  baz z >>= (\w ->
                    return w)))
  • With do-notation (watch indentation)
foobarbaz x = do y <- foo x
                 z <- bar y
                 w <- baz z
                 return w

Compact do-notation

  • Do-notation uses indentation and linebreaks
foobarbaz x = do y <- foo x
                 z <- bar y
                 w <- baz z
                 return w
  • Can also use braces and semicolons
foobarbaz x = do { y <- foo x ;
 z <- bar y ; w <- baz z ;
        return w }

General advice

  • Do-notation is very clean, but it hides a lot
  • Try to start with >>= and return
    • Unfold definition of these operations
    • Easier to see what’s going on (just functions)
    • Easier to see that types are correct
  • WR3: practice do-notation

More monads


  • Idea: OrErr a is either an a, or an error String
data Either a b = Left a | Right b

type OrErr a = Either String a  -- give type a new name

actualInt :: OrErr Int
actualInt = Right 5000  -- Actual number 5000

errorInt :: OrErr Int
errorInt = Left "Couldn't think of a number"  -- Error string

Monad instance?

  • As always, follow the types…
instance Monad OrErr where
  -- return :: a -> OrErr a
  return x = Right x

  -- (>>=) :: OrErr a -> (a -> OrErr b) -> (OrErr b)
  (Left err)  >>= f = Left err
  (Right val) >>= f = f val


  • To give monad instance, need two functions:
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
  • Concat: take lists of lists, flatten into single list
    • Takes [[1, 2], [3]] to [1, 2, 3]
  • Map: apply function to each element of input list
    • Map “times 2”: takes [1, 2, 3] to [2, 4, 6]

Monad instance?

  • As always, follow the types…
instance Monad [] where
  -- return :: a -> [a]
  return x = [x]  -- list with just one element

  -- (>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
  listA >>= f = concat $ map f listA  -- map, then concat

Revisiting our parser

Parser is a monad

data Parser a  = MkParser (String -> Maybe (a, String))

data State s a = MkState  (s      ->       (a, s))
  • Looks suspiciously like the State monad!
    • Actually: State + Maybe monad
  • Type of state is always String: stuff to parse
  • Type a is the “return type”: result of parse

Return for parsers

  • Return: yield output value without any parsing
  • Follow the types…
-- return :: a -> Parser a
return val = MkParser $ \str -> Just (val, str)

Bind for parsers

  • Bind: sequence parser, where second parser can depend on first output
  • Follow the types…
-- (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
par >>= f = MkParser $ \str ->
  let firstRes = runParser par str        -- Run parser 1
  in case firstRes of                     -- See what we got...
    Nothing          -> Nothing           -- Parser 1 failed
    Just (val, str') -> let par' = f val  -- Choose parser 2
    in runParser par' str'                -- Run parser 2 on rest