Lecture 10

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 24, 2020


HW2: Comments/questions?

HW3: Implementing Ruse

  • Big assignment: due in three weeks
  • Three parts:
    1. Implementing an expression evaluator
    2. Implementing a parser
    3. Implementing a command-line REPL

Start early!!!

Applicative Parsing

Parser combinators: Applicative

  • Applicative will let us combine multiple parsers:
instance Applicative Parser where
  -- pure :: a -> Parser a
  pure x = MkParser $ \str -> Just (x, str)

  -- (<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  parF <*> parA = MkParser $ \str ->
    case runParser parF str of                  -- run first
      Nothing -> Nothing                        -- first failed
      Just (f, str') ->                         -- first OK
        case runParser parA str' of             -- run second
          Nothing -> Nothing                    -- second failed
          Just (v, str'') -> Just (f v, str'')  -- second OK
  • Kind of sequencing: feed str' to second parser

Useful abbreviations: Applicative

  • Get these definitions for free from Applicative
-- Mapping a two-argument function (shout2 to shout2Maybe)
-- Or: sequence two things, then apply function to results
liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 fun x y = fun <$> x <*> y

-- Sequence two things, keep first result, forget second result
(<*) :: (Applicative f) => f a -> f b - > f a
(<*) = liftA2 (\x y -> x)

-- Sequence two things, forget first result, keep second result
(*>) :: (Applicative f) => f a -> f b - > f b
(*>) = liftA2 (\x y -> y)

Parser combinators: Alternative

  • Ordered choice: try two, take first one that works
orElseP :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
par1 `orElseP` par2 = MkParser $ \str ->
  let firstRes = runParser par1 str         -- Try parser 1
  in case firstRes of
    Nothing          -> runParser par2 str  -- Fail, try parser 2
    Just (val, str') -> Just (val, str')    -- OK, return parse 1

Alternative typeclass

  • Cleaning up, use the Alternative typeclass
instance Alternative Parser where
  -- (<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
  (<|>) = orElseP

  -- empty :: Parser a
  empty = failP

failP = MkParser $ \_ -> Nothing  -- Always fails (not emptyP!)
  • Law: empty <|> p === p <|> empty === p
    • Monoid, but for things with a type parameter


  • Repeat a parser multiple times, gather results
manyP :: Parser a -> Parser [a]       -- zero-or-more times
manyP par = (manyP1 par) <|> emptyP
--               ^        ^     ^------- zero times
--               |        +------------- or
--               +---------------------- one-or-more times

manyP1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]      -- one-or-more times
manyP1 par = (:) <$> par <*> manyP par
--            ^       ^        ^-------- zero or more times
--            |       +----------------- parse one time
--            +------------------------- gather results

Separated by

  • Parse lists of things separated by something:
list = item {sep item}
  • Parse out the items, while dropping separators
-- zero or more items
sepByP :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
sepByP item sep = (sepBy1P item sep) <|> emptyP

-- one or more items
sepBy1P :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
sepBy1P item sep = (:) <$> item <*> manyP (sep *> item)

Example: calculator

Calculator inputs

  • Handle numbers, parentheses, plus, and minus
    • In HW3: you will do much more…
term = atom "+" term | atom "-" term | atom ;
atom = num | "(" term ")" ;
  • Model grammars with two Haskell datatypes:
data Term = Add Atom Term | Sub Atom Term | Single Atom
data Atom = Num Int | Parens Term

-- "Recursive descent" parser, grammar must be "left-factored"...

First: helper parsers

  • Parse any number of spaces
spacesP :: Parser [Char]
spacesP = manyP spaceP
  • Ignore spaces, then parse something
tokenP :: Parser a -> Parser a
tokenP par = spacesP *> par

Parsing Numbers

  • Numeric constants: nonempty string of digits
-- parse a string of digits into an Int
intP :: Parser Int
intP = read <$> manyP1 digit

-- ignore spaces before int, wrap in Num
numP :: Parser Atom
numP = Num <$> (tokenP intP)

Parsing Parens

  • Parenthesized: term surround by parentheses
parenTermP :: Parser Atom
parenTermP = Parens <$>
    (tokenP $ charP '(') *> termP <* (tokenP $ charP ')')

Parsing Atoms

  • Now, we are ready to parse atoms:
atomP :: Parser Atom
atomP =  numP
     <|> parenTermP

Parsing Terms

  • We’re finally ready to parse terms:
termP :: Parser Term
termP =  Add <$> atomP <* (tokenP (charP '+')) <*> termP 
     <|> Sub <$> atomP <* (tokenP (charP '-')) <*> termP 
     <|> Single <$> atomP

Evaluating atoms

  • Atom evaluator: turn atoms into numbers
evalAtom :: Atom -> Int
evalAtom atom = case atom of
  Num n       -> n
  Parens term -> evalTerm term

Evaluating terms

  • Term evaluator: turn terms into numbers
evalTerm :: Term -> Int
evalTerm term = case term of
  Add at term -> (evalAtom at) + (evalTerm term)
  Sub at term -> (evalAtom at) - (evalTerm term)
  Single atom -> evalAtom atom

Capping it all off

  • Read input, parse, evaluate, print, and loop
runCalc :: String -> String
runCalc input = case getParse input of
  Nothing   -> "Parse failed"
  Just term -> show $ evalTerm term