Lecture 06

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 10, 2020


HW1 Wrapup

  • Writing a puzzle solver
    • Manipulate lists
    • Write some recursive functions
    • Use higher-order functions
  • Bigger picture
    • Decompose problem into small functions
    • Start with simple version, optimize

HW1: Comments/questions?

HW2 out after class

  • Programming: purely functional data structures
  • Written: types and type systems
  • Due two weeks from now. Start early!

More pattern matching

Taking data apart

  • Does two things simultaneously
    1. Does a case analysis (e.g., empty list or not?)
    2. Introduces new variables referring to parts of data
  • Haskell defines patterns, which we can match against
    • Pattern: 42, 'a', [], (x:xs), (x, y)
    • Not pattern: i < 0, b == False
  • Function definitions, let-bindings, where-clauses,…

More examples

  • Haskell patterns are surprisingly flexible
foo :: (Bool, (Int, String)) -> String
foo (b, (i, c)) = ... b ... i ... c ...

-- foo p = ... (fst p) ... (fst . snd $ p) ... (snd . snd $ p)

bar :: (Int, String) -> String
bar (1, str) = str ++ " one!"
bar (2, str) = str ++ " two!"
bar (_, str) = str ++ " something!"

-- baz :: Int -> String
-- baz (i < 0) = ...

Case expressions

  • Pattern match in other places with case expression
-- General form
case expression of pattern1 -> expression1'
                   pattern2 -> expression2'
                   pattern3 -> expression3'
-- Can put cases on following line, but must align starts

-- Example
foo :: [a] -> String
foo list = "Got an: " ++ (case list of
                          []     -> "empty"
                          (x:xs) -> "nonempty") ++ " list!"

Aside: indentation

Code that is part of some expression should be indented further in than the beginning of that expression, even if the expression is not the first element of line.

  • Grouped expressions must be aligned exactly
  • Let-bindings, where-clauses, case, guards, …
  • Can ignore indentation if using ; and { ... }
  • See more examples here

Specifying well-behaved programs

What do we want?

  • A condition that can be checked statically
    • Verify correctness without running program
  • Rule out classes of buggy programs
    • Prevent as many bugs as possible
  • Condition should be compositional
    • Check on subprograms to check larger program
    • Necessary for checking big programs

Grammar is not enough

  • Question: Should the following syntax be valid?
(foo 0) + 1
  • No? (foo 0) is not a numeric expression
    • But want to be able to sum up two applications!
  • Yes? Suppose grammar lets us sum up expressions
    • But then what to do if foo returns a boolean?

Type systems

Brief history

  • From type theory by Bertrand Russell (1900s)
    • Trying to fix paradoxes in foundations of math
    • “Is there a set containing all sets?”
  • Simple type theory developed by Carnap, Ramsey, Quine, Tarski (1920-1930s)
    • This will be our focus
  • Many fancier type theories developed later
    • We mostly won’t talk about them

Types classify programs

  • Simple idea: each program e has a type t
  • Types describe what kind of program e is
  • Some programs do not have a type
  • All programs have at most one type

Base types

For our purposes: booleans and integers

base-ty = "bool" | "int"

Function types

  • Each function goes from input type to output type
  • Note: input and output can themselves be functions!
ty = base-ty | ty "->" ty
  • This is the full grammar of simple types. Examples:
    • true has type bool
    • 42 has type int
    • plusOne = λx. x + 1 has type int -> int

Typing context

  • Will need to type open terms with free variables
    • Type depends on types of free variables
  • Track these types in a typing context G
    • Bindings: (x : t) means variable x has type t
    • A typing context G is a list of bindings
  • Examples:
    • Empty context: G = \cdot
    • Two bindings: G = x : \text{bool}, y : \text{int}

Typing judgment

  • Putting it all together: G \vdash e : t
  • Read: program e has type t in context G
    • Boolean constants: \vdash \text{true} : \text{bool}
    • Open terms: x : \text{int} \vdash x + 1 : \text{int}

How do we assign types?

Types of programs from types of subprograms

  • We have a set of typing rules, with form:
    • If: subprograms each have certain types
    • Then: whole program has some type
  • Type of program doesn’t depend on surroundings!


Properties of type systems

Broken programs

  • “Well-typed programs should not go wrong”
  • Many different choices for what “go wrong” means
  • Simplest: a program “goes wrong” if it gets stuck
    • Bug: program that hasn’t finished but can’t step
    • Example: program true + 1 is stuck

Type safety

  • Main soundness property of type systems
  • If program e has type t, then it never gets stuck
  • Well-typed programs can’t have this kind of bug!
  • Typically proved via progress and preservation

Progress property

  • If a closed program e is well-typed, then either:
    • It is a value v (finished computing successfully)
    • It can step to some other program: e \to e'
  • It can’t be stuck!

Preservation property

  • Type should be preserved as a program steps
    • If: a closed program e has type t and it steps to e'
    • Then: e' is a closed program with type t
  • Well-typed term can only step to well-typed term

Limitations of type systems

Well-typed programs can have bugs

  • Plenty of ways to write buggy well-typed programs
  • For example: this program has type \text{int} \to \text{int}
plusOne = λx. x + 2
  • Probably not what we wanted, though. Oops!

Some correct programs are not well-typed

  • This program not well-typed, but doesn’t get stuck:
(if true then 0 else false) + 1
  • “Type systems are sound but not complete”
  • “Type systems are a conservative analysis”
  • From complexity theory, this is not surprising!
  • Usually soundness or completeness, not both


  • A well-typed program in our system could loop
  • Soundness just guarantees that program can step, doesn’t guarantee it will ever finish
  • Fancier type systems can guarantee termination