Lecture 02

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

January 29, 2020


Why recursion?

  • Primary way for functional PLs to do iteration
  • Natural way to repeat functions, no counters
  • May take a bit of getting used to

Simple, “direct” recursion

  • All functions in Haskell can be recursive
plusN :: Int -> Int
plusN 0 = 0
plusN n = n + plusN (n - 1)
  • Also works in let-definitions
myFun :: Int -> Int
myFun n = let prodN 0 = 0
              prodN 1 = 1
              prodN n = n * prodN (n - 1) in
          42 + prodN n

Bad example: Looping

  • Can write non-terminating functions!
  • Try not to do this:
loopForever :: Int -> Int
loopForever x = loopForever x
-- loopForever 42 = ???

“Accumulating” Recursion

Tail recursion

  • If last step is recursive call, optimized to loop (faster)
slowSumTo 0 = 0
slowSumTo n = n + slowSumTo (n - 1)
-- After recursive call returns, need to add n
fastSumTo n = helper 0 n
  where helper total 0 = total
        helper total n = helper (total + n) (n - 1)
-- After recursive call returns, can just return
  • In this example: direct is slower than accumulating
    • Note: this is not always true!

Recursion examples

Recall: lists

  • Constructing lists, all elements of same type:
myEmptyList    = []                  -- empty list
myNonEmptyList = 1 : 2 : myEmptyList -- [1, 2]

-- singleton list: list with one element
mySingleton = [42]                   -- list with just 42

-- cons operation: add an element to the front of a list
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]

-- appending lists: glue two lists together
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
myAppList = mySingleton ++ myNonEmptyList -- [42, 1, 2]

Length of a list

  • With direct recursion:
lengthList :: [a] -> Int
lengthList []     = 0
lengthList (x:xs) = 1 + lengthList xs
  • Accumulating recursion:
lengthList :: [a] -> Int
lengthList as = length' 0 as
    where length' acc []     = acc
          length' acc (x:xs) = length' (acc + 1) xs

Product of a list

  • With direct recursion:
prodList :: [Int] -> Int
prodList []     = 1
prodList (x:xs) = x * prodList xs
  • Accumulating recursion:
prodList :: [Int] -> Int
prodList = prod' 1
    where prod' acc []     = acc
          prod' acc (x:xs) = prod' (x * acc) xs
-- SAME AS: prodList ls = prod' 1 ls ...

Checking all true/false

  • Checking if list is all true/false
allTrue    :: [Bool] -> Bool
existsTrue :: [Bool] -> Bool

-- Direct recursion
allTrue []     = True
allTrue (x:xs) = x && allTrue xs

-- Accumulating recursion
existsTrue bs = exists' False bs
    where exists' acc []     = acc
          exists' acc (x:xs) = exists' (acc || x) xs

Pattern: Mapping

  • Add 42 to each element of a list of integers (direct)
add42 :: [Int] -> [Int]
add42 []     = []
add42 (x:xs) = (x + 42) : add42 xs

Pattern: Mapping

  • Flip all elements of a list of booleans (accumulating)
flipBool :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
flipBool bs = flip' [] bs
    where flip' acc []     = acc
          flip' acc (x:xs) = flip' (acc ++ [not x]) xs

Pattern: Filtering

  • Keep only even elements (direct)
keepEvens :: [Int] -> [Int]
keepEvens []     = []
keepEvens (x:xs) = if (even x)
                       then x : keepEvens xs
                       else keepEvens xs

Pattern: Filtering

  • Keep only positive numbers (accumulating)
keepPos :: [Float] -> [Float]
keepPos fs = keep' [] fs
    where keep' acc []     = acc
          keep' acc (x:xs) = if x > 0
                                  then keep' (acc ++ [x]) xs
                                  else keep' acc xs

Example: Sorting

  • Sort list of distinct numbers in increasing order
sortNums :: [Int] -> [Int]
sortNums []     = []
sortNums (x:xs) = lesser ++ [x] ++ greater
  where lesser  = sortNums (filter (< x) xs)
        greater = sortNums (filter (> x) xs)
  • Note: branching, hard to write as accumulating

Pattern: Zipping

  • Pair up two lists into a list of pairs (direct)
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [] _          = []
zip _ []          = []
zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x, y) : zip xs ys

list  = [1, 2, 3]
list' = [4, 5, 6]

paired = zip list list'
-- paired = [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
  • Can you define this function in accumulating style?

Higher-order functions

“First-class” functions

  • Functions are like any other expression
  • Can be passed as arguments to functions
  • Can be returned from other functions

Pattern: Mapping

  • Apply function to each element of list:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
  • Earlier examples as special case:
add42 = map (\x -> x + 42)
-- SAME AS: add42 list = map (\x -> x + 42) list

flipBool = map (\x -> not x)
-- SAME AS: flipBool list = map (\x -> not x) list

Pattern: Filtering

  • Keep only list elements satisfying some condition
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter cond []     = []
filter cond (x:xs) = if (cond x)
                         then x : filter cond xs
                         else filter cond xs
  • Earlier examples as special cases
keepEvens = filter (\x -> even x)
keepPos = filter (\x -> x > 0)

Direct recursion, again

lengthList :: [a] -> Int
lengthList []     = 0
lengthList (x:xs) = 1 + lengthList xs

add42 :: [Int] -> [Int]
add42 []     = []
add42 (x:xs) = (x + 42) : add42 xs
  • Do these look similar? Common pieces:
    1. Combining function (add 1, add 42 and cons)
    2. Initial value (0, empty list)
    3. List to process

Pattern: Folding Right

  • Direct recursion is an example of a right fold:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f init []     = init
foldr f init (x:xs) = f x (foldr f init xs)
  • a is type of item, b is type of result
lengthList as = foldr (\_ len -> 1 + len) 0 as
add42 ls = foldr (\x acc -> (x + 42) : acc) [] ls

Accumulating recursion, again

prodList :: [Int] -> Int
prodList ls = prod' 1 ls
    where prod' acc []     = acc
          prod' acc (x:xs) = prod' (x * acc) xs

flipBool :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
flipBool bs = flip' [] bs
    where flip' acc []     = acc
          flip' acc (x:xs) = flip' (acc ++ [not x]) xs
  • Do these look a bit similar? They should…

Pattern: Folding Left

  • Accumulating recursion is an example of a left fold:
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f init []     = init
foldl f init (x:xs) = foldl f (f init x) xs
  • a is type of accumulator/result, b is type of item
prodList ls = foldl (\acc x -> x * acc) 1 ls
flipBool bs = foldl (\acc x -> acc ++ [not x]) [] bs

More Folding

  • Checking membership of an element
elemOf :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
elemOf i []     = False
elemOf i (x:xs) = (i == x) || i `elemOf` xs
  • Direct recursion, can use a right fold:
elemOf' i = foldr (\x acc -> (i == x) || acc) False

More Folding

  • Reversing a list of elements
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = helper []
  where helper acc []     = acc
        helper acc (x:xs) = helper (x:acc) xs
  • Accumulating recursion: left fold
reverse' = foldl (\acc x -> x : acc) []